3 résultats pour "providence"
Quelle est l’intervention des différentes politiques structurelles dans l’état providence
Les politiques conjoncturelles et structurelles dans l’État-providence : un pilier de la gestion économique et sociale I. Introduction : Le rôle fondamental des politiques publiques dans l’Étatprovidence L’État-providence est une construction politique et économique conçue pour garantir un certain niveau de bien-être à ses citoyens, en s’appuyant sur des mécanismes de redistribution, de protection sociale et de régulation. Dans ce cadre, les politiques publiques jouent un rôle crucial, not...
Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Alexander of Aphrodisias
Alexander of Aphrodisias (fl. c. AD 200) The Peripatetic philosopher Alexander was known to posterity as the commentator on Aristotle, until Averroes took over this title. His commentaries eclipsed most of those of his predecessors, which now survive only in scattered quotations. Used by Plotinus, Alexander's commentaries were the basis for subsequent work on Aristotle by Neoplatonist commentators, and even though some themselves survive only in quotations by these later writers, Alexander's int...
Arama, Isaac ben Moses
Arama, Isaac ben Moses (c.1420-94) Like many of his fifteenth-century Spanish contemporaries, Arama opposed the Aristotelianism of Maimonides. His philosophical sermons and biblical commentaries attack Jewish Aristotelians on charges of subordinating revelation to reasoning, upholding an eternal universe whose necessity limits God's power, and excluding miracles and individual providence. Yet while stressing the fallibility of human reason, Arama is no fideist. An eclectic, he values reason and...