3 résultats pour "dream"
canadian dream
Introduction of English class Vocabulary: - foreground/ before/ forehead - In the background - on the right/ left -At the bottom/top - a boat/ a ship/ a liner - dark= bad, sadness, death, dark, evil - bright= happiness, hope, life, Good hypothesis 1: the american dream, a place to go to, attractive hypothesis 2: the boat (=immigrants) is bringing darkness The Amercian dream - Early 20th - immigrants - Ellis Island Canada: - sport: hockey -culture: French - celebreties: Celin di...
"the American dream: myth or reality?"
PORTFOLIO Intro: Hello, today I will present my topic which is taken from the theme travel, territories and frontiers that belongs to the terminal program. First, I would like to define what the American dream is.The American Dream is the American Society’s belief that anyone can, through hard work and strength of mind, achieve anything they ever wanted.My key question is "the American dream: myth or reality?" To answer this question I will first show that the American dream can be possib...
AMC bac oral: Thématique 1 : « Faire société » Axe numéro 3 : Égalités et inégalités Problématique: Can you still believe in the American Dream?
Thématique 1 : « Faire société » Axe numéro 3 : Égalités et inégalités Problématique: Can you still believe in the American Dream? Good afternoon everyone, today I am here to talk about the American dream. Many of us grew up with the belief that America was the land of opportunity, where anyone could achieve success through hard work and determination. However, recent data and trends show that this is maybe no longer the case. Let’s begin by defining what the American Dream is. The Americ...