100 résultats pour "and"
Atheism Atheism is the position that affirms the nonexistence of God. It proposes positive disbelief rather than mere suspension of belief. Since many different gods have been objects of belief, one might be an atheist with respect to one god while believing in the existence of some other god. In the religions of the west - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - the dominant idea of God is of a purely spiritual, supernatural being who is the perfectly good, allpowerful, all-knowing creator of everyth...
Chrysippus (c.280-c.206 BC ) The Greek philosopher Chrysippus of Soli was the third and greatest head of the Stoic school in Athens. He wrote voluminously, and in particular developed Stoic logic into a truly formidable system. His philosophy is effectively identical with 'early Stoicism'. Chrysippus was born at Soli in Cilicia (southern Turkey). He came to Athens to study philosophy, initially with the Academic sceptic Arcesilaus. By the time he transferred his allegiance to the Stoic school, i...
Encyclopedia of Philosophy: PLATO'S REPUBLIC
PLATO'S REPUBLIC Plato relied on the Theory of Ideas not only in the area of logic and metaphysics, but also in the theory of knowledge and in the foundations of morality. To see the many different uses to which he put it in the years of his maturity, we cannot do better than to consider in detail his most famous dialogue, The Republic. The official purpose of the dialogue is to seek a definition of justice, and the thesis which it propounds is that justice is the health of the soul. But that an...
al-Suhrawardi, Shihab al-Din Yahya
al-Suhrawardi, Shihab al-Din Yahya (1154-91) Al-Suhrawardi, whose life spanned a period of less than forty years in the middle of the twelfth century AD, produced a series of highly assured works which established him as the founder of a new school of philosophy in the Muslim world, the school of Illuminationist philosophy (hikmat alishraq). Although arising out of the peripatetic philosophy developed by Ibn Sina, al-Suhrawardi's Illuminationist philosophy is critical of several of the positions...
al-Sabzawari, al-Hajj Mulla Hadi
al-Sabzawari, al-Hajj Mulla Hadi (1797/8-1873) Al-Sabzawari was the most influential nineteenth-century Iranian philosopher. His reputation rests in part on his Sharh al-manzuma, a commentary on his own Ghurar alfara'id (The Blazes of the Gems), a didactic poem (manzuma) encapsulating in a systematic fashion an exposition of the existentialist philosophy of Mulla Sadra. He was also the most sought-after teacher of philosophy in his day, and many students travelled to Sabzavar to be taught by him...
Categories Categories are hard to describe, and even harder to define. This is in part a consequence of their complicated history, and in part because category theory must grapple with vexed questions concerning the relation between linguistic or conceptual categories on the one hand, and objective reality on the other. In the mid-fourth century BC,Aristotle initiates discussion of categories as a central enterprise of philosophy. In the Categories he presents an 'ontological' scheme which cla...
Encyclopedia of Philosophy: THE THEORY OF IDEAS of PLATO
THE THEORY OF IDEAS of PLATO Plato's theory arises as follows. Socrates, Simmias, and Cebes are all called ‘men'; they have it in common that they are all men. Now when we say ‘Simmias is a man' does the word ‘man' stand for something in the way that the word ‘Simmias' stands for the individual man Simmias? If so, what? Is it the same thing as the word ‘man' stands for in the sentence ‘Cebes is a man'? Plato's answer is yes: in each case in which such an expression occurs it stands for the same...
Bernard of Tours
Bernard of Tours (fl. 1147, d. before 1178) Bernard of Tours, better known as Bernardus Silvestris, was closely acquainted with the major developments in science and theology which took place in the mid-twelfth century. His major work, the Cosmographia, an allegorical account of the creation of the universe and humankind, is dedicated to the philosopher-theologian Thierry of Chartres, who was probably also his teacher. However, Bernard himself was best known as a poet, and he seems to have made...
Augustinianism The influence of Augustine on Western philosophy is exceeded in duration, extent and variety only by that of Plato and Aristotle. Augustine was an authority not just for the early Middle Ages, when he was often the lone authority, but well into modern times. He was in many ways the principal author in contention during the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, and in France alone he was variously received by authors as diverse as Montaigne, Descartes, Malebranche, Arnauld and Pasca...
Charity Within at least some branches of Christianity, the term 'charity' has been used to mean the love mandated by Jesus. In recent theological writings, however, there has been a tendency to replace it with the Greek word agapē. There has been some disagreement in the twentieth century concerning the precise nature and functioning of Christian love, a major catalyst for debate having been Anders Nygren's book Agapē and Eros (1930-6). Numerous scholars have complained that charity does not hav...
Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Sidgwick
Sidgwick Unlike John Stuart Mill or Jeremy Bentham, Henry Sidgwick's is hardly a household name in intellectual circles beyond the world of professional philosophy. His standing amongst many contemporary moral philosophers as possibly the greatest nineteenthcentury writer on ethics would come as a shock to such householders, as would C.D. Broad's estimate of his book The Methods of Ethics as ‘one of the English philosophical classics' and ‘on the whole the best treatise on moral theory that has...
Encyclopedia of Philosophy: J.S.Mill
J.S.Mill ON LIBERTY John Stuart Mill's mature views on ethics and politics are to be found in On Liberty (published in 1859), Utilitarianism (1861), Considerations on Representative Government (1861) and The Subjection of Women (written in 1861–2 but published in 1869). Of these, Liberty is the centrepiece, detailing the doctrines and themes which govern most of the discussion in the other works. It is also the work by which Mill will be most remembered. He himself picked it out as ‘likely to s...
Asceticism The term 'asceticism' is derived from the Greek word, askēsis, which referred originally to the sort of exercise, practice or training in which athletes engage. Asceticism may be characterized as a voluntary, sustained and systematic programme of self-discipline and self-denial in which immediate sensual gratifications are renounced in order to attain some valued spiritual or mental state. Ascetic practices are to be found in all the major religious traditions of the world, yet they h...
Aristotelianism, Renaissance
Aristotelianism, Renaissance By the Renaissance here is meant the period of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries during which there was a deliberate attempt, especially in Italy, to pattern cultural activities on models drawn from antiquity. However, Aristotelianism during that period was not cut off from medieval developments, since earlier interests and topics of discussion still held the attention of philosophers, theologians and non-academic intellectuals. Moreover, given that Aristoteliani...
Anomalous monism
Anomalous monism Anomalous monism, proposed by Donald Davidson in 1970, implies that all events are of one fundamental kind, namely physical. But it does not deny that there are mental events; rather, it implies that every mental event is some physical event or other. The idea is that someone's thinking at a certain time that the earth is round, for example, might be a certain pattern of neural firing in their brain at that time, an event which is both a thinking that the earth is round (a type...
Artistic expression
Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) tries to make computer systems (of various kinds) do what minds can do: interpreting a photograph as depicting a face; offering medical diagnoses; using and translating language; learning to do better next time. AI has two main aims. One is technological: to build useful tools, which can help humans in activities of various kinds, or perform the activities for them. The other is psychological: to help us understand human (and animal) minds, or...
Encyclopedia of Philosophy: THE SCHOOL OF PARMENIDES
THE SCHOOL OF PARMENIDES The philosophical scene is very different when we turn to Parmenides, who was born in the closing years of the sixth century. Though probably a pupil of Xenophanes, Parmenides spent most of his life not in Ionia but in Italy, in a town called Elea, seventy miles or so south of Naples. He is said to have drawn up an excellent set of laws for his city; but we know nothing of his politics or political philosophy. He is the first philosopher whose writing has come down to us...
Belief We believe that there is coffee over there; we believe the special theory of relativity; we believe the Vice-Chancellor; and some of us believe in God. But plausibly what is fundamental is believing that something is the case - believing a proposition, as it is usually put. To believe a theory is to believe the propositions that make up the theory, to believe a person is to believe some proposition advanced by them; and to believe in God is to believe the proposition that God exists. Thus...
DNL seas and oceans
the document is a graphic published in 2018 by the FAO (The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. This document talks about the increase in the exploitation of fishery resources. Today maritimisation is one of the biggest part of the globalization. Seas and oceans are important vectors of this globalized world. Hydrocarbons account for the largest part of energy resources. Offshore currently accounts for 30% of global oil production and 27% of gas (according to INSEE). F...
Encyclopedia of Philosophy: THE CRito of Plato
THE CRito of Plato The Crito is a much easier dialogue to read. Socrates is now in prison, waiting for the execution of his sentence. A number of his friends, led by Crito, have devised a plan for him to escape and flee to Thessaly. The plan had a good chance of success, but Socrates would have no part in it. Life was only worth striving for if it was a good life; and life purchased by disobedience to the laws was not a life worth living. Even if he has been wronged, he should not render evil fo...
Brahmo Samaj
Brahmo Samaj The Brahmo (or Brahma) Samaj (‘Society of Brahma') is the name of a theistic society founded by Raja Rammohun Roy in Calcutta in 1828. It advocated reform, and eventually abolition, of the traditional caste system, as well as legislation aimed at improving the social status of women and greater protection of children. Also dedicated to Hindu religious reform, the Brahmo Samaj stressed a monotheistic doctrine with a policy of tolerance and respect for all major religions of the world...
Kant's Moral Philosophy
Just as the first Critique set out critically the synthetic a priori principles of theoretical reason, the Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals (1785) set out critically the synthetic a priori principles of practical reason. This is a brief and eloquent presentation of Kant's moral system. In morals, Kant's starting point is that the only thing which is good without qualification is a good will. Talents, character, self-control, and fortune can be used to bad ends; even happiness can be corrup...
Artistic forgery
Artistic expression Many kinds of psychological state can be expressed in or by works of art. But it is the artistic expression of emotion that has figured most prominently in philosophical discussions of art. Emotion is expressed in pictorial, literary and other representational works of art by the characters who are depicted or in other ways presented in the works. We often identify the emotions of such characters in much the same way as we ordinarily identify the emotions of others, but we mi...
Seas and oceans in the maritimization
Seas and oceans This document is a picture of a container ship in the port of Seattle which is situated in Washington. The Seattle port is a global container port traffic. In fact, North America represented 8% of this traffic in the world, it is the maritimization, a process leading to increase exploitation of resources of seas and oceans and the boom in trade by sea. On the picture, we can see on the foreground the largest port of Seattle with many containers. Those containers can ele...
INTRODUCTION I-FORMS OF INVOLVED SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND THE ACTORS 1-forms of sexual harassment 2-the actors involved II-EVIDENCE OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND POINTING FIGURES 1-proof of sexual harassment 2-numbers that call out III-THE CONSEQUENCES OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN SCHOOL ENVIRONMENTS 1-On the psychosocial level 2-On the psycho-health level CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION According to the little Larousse illustrated in 2013, harassment is “the action of harassing”....
Art and power
Build up your vocabulary Utilisez le vocabulaire en contexte. Exercice 1 : Complétez le texte suivant à l’aide de mots de la carte mentale à la forme qui convient. In 1969, the Stonewall riots ………………………… a series of protests that spread in the United States and led to the gay liberation movement. The members of the LGBTQ+ community were ………………………… being ………………………… . They started ………………………… all over the country to ………………………… of all the injustices they ………………………… for too long. Exercice 2...
Knowledge ### Part 1: Justice and Injustice: Major Distinctions
### Part 1: Justice and Injustice: Major Distinctions Justice and injustice are often seen as polar opposites, yet their relationship is far more nuanced and complex. To understand the major distinctions between these concepts, it is essential to explore various philosophical, legal, and social perspectives. This section will delve into whether the law represents what is just or if justice should be conceived independently of legal systems. By examining historical and contemporary viewpoint...
Mississippi Goddam - Historical and Rhetorical Song Analysis Form
Historical and Rhetorical Song Analysis Form Include details and textual evidence (where appropriate) to support your ideas Title, Composer, and Performer (include biographical information for each) ↓↓ “Mississippi Goddam” by Nina Simone “The High Priestess of Soul” -birth name: Eunice Waymon, 1933-2003 -trained classical pianist; denied scholarship at Curtis Institute of Music; moved to NYC to study music -became civil rights activist; stated to Dr. King, “I am not non-violent” Nin...
PAST OF CANADA AND FIRST NATIONS: THE HISTORY SHORT INTRODUCTION OF THE SUBJECT The American continent was the last of the continents to be occupied by humans. First Nations" is the term used to refer to the Aboriginal peoples of Canada other than Métis and Inuit. Moreover, this community has its own culture, language and beliefs. . Communities may be large or small, and relatively urban or extremely remote, All First Nations believed that their values and traditions were gifts from t...
PORTFOLIO ART AND DEBATE OF IDEAS To what extent can art make sense of emotions? Barack Obama’s speech, march 18, 2008 "We the people, in order to form a more perfect union." Two hundred and twenty one years ago, in a hall that still stands across the street, a group of men gathered and, with these simple words, launched America's improbable experiment in democracy. Farmers and scholars; statesmen and patriots who had traveled across an ocean to escape tyranny and persecution f...
llcer ; The Layers and Illusions of Self-Representation
Wednesday 11th October 2023 The Layers and Illusions of Self-Representation Self-representation is not merely a faithful reflection of oneself because it is a How does self-presentation go beyond subjective and often selective portrayal of one's identity. Human beings are being a faithful reflection of one's true multifaceted, and our self-representations are influenced by various factors such as self? social context, personal goals, and emotional states. Self-representation is not just...
Discovering the author’s life and times MARGARET ATWOOD
Discovering the author’s life and times MARGARET ATWOOD Margaret Atwood was born in Ottawa, Canada, in 1939. Her father was an entomologist, and Atwood spent part of her early years in the bush of North Quebec, where her father studied insects. She studied English at the University of Toronto, and then Radcliffe College and Harvard in the U.S.A. She is Canada’s most eminent novelist and poet, and also writes short stories, critical studies, screenplays, radio scripts, graphic novels and...
Feyisa Lilesa A struggle for peace and freedom
Feyisa Lilesa A struggle for peace and freedom Feyisa Lilesa was born in 1990 in Ethiopia and is a specialist of distance running, especially of marathon. He has run over 10 marathons in his carrier but his best was in Chicago where he did the best time of his carrier. In Rotterdam, he set the fastest time for a 20 years old athlete. Out of his records, Lilesa has a really good record: he has finished first twice: in 2013 in Poland and in 2016 in Tokyo. Altogether, he has been on the po...
Synthèse LLCE: Sujet de bac anglais monde contemporain Fiction and society
Sujet de bac anglais monde contemporain Fiction and society are two things completely different, fiction is something that is invented or untrue whereas society is a sort of community of people that is reality. We could ask ourselves what is the impact of society on fiction and the impact of fiction on society ? First of all we will talk about Noel Clarks « hood » trilogy, then I will mention the series on Netflix about Queen Elisabeth , and finally I will describe the page cover of anim...
Guns in America “Places and Forms of Power”
Synthèse 1 As part of the notion “Places and Forms of Power”, I would like to talk about the right to carry a gun in the USA. With 85 guns for 100 hundred people, the United States of America are the western country with the highest rate of firearms in circulation. I think this topic fits perfectly with the notion “Places and Forms of Power”. First of all, because America is the most powerful country in the world but also because carry a gun gives you an almost unlimited power. Today I wi...
To what extent Al and innovative technologies are a threat to Mankind?
According to Stephen Hawking, (artificial intelligence) “It will either be the best thing that's ever happened to us, or it will be the worst thing”. Indeed, artificial intelligence are cutting-edge technologies that are used to facilitate the daily life of human beings. That's why more than 78% of today's engineers use neural networks to get the job done more efficiently and quickly. Thus, since 1956, the starting point of AI, new technologies have continued to advance and to become an in...
Blowback : Iran, the Ayatollahs and the CIA – Mehdi Hasan, The Intercept (2018)
Blowback : Iran, the Ayatollahs and the CIA – Mehdi Hasan, The Intercept (2018) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyHpVZoMIbc Ever since the Revolution of 1979, U.S. presidents have viewed the Islamic Republic of Iran, under the rule of the ayatollahs, as a threat and as an enemy, and the feeling's pretty mutual. Barak Obama, former U.S. President: “Iran's leaders have shown only a clenched fist.” 5 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, former President of Iran: “Look at America and England! Wherever ther...
LLCE - Self-Expression And Construction To what extent Taylor Swift’s legacy is more than music ?
LLCE - Self-Expression And Construction To what extent Taylor Swift’s legacy is more than music ? INTRO : Hello everyone, today I would like to introduce you to an artist I am in awe for, she’s one of the most influent and most powerful artist in nowadays music industry : Taylor Swift. She’s so powerful that the Bloomberg magazine said that she is the music industry. That is why today we’re going to wonder to what extent her legacy is more than music. In a time we will see that her legacy...
Hors-champ et histoire de l’art. Analyse du film : « The Mill and the Cross » (2011)
1 Séminaire transdisciplinaire. Hors-champ et histoire de l’art. Analyse du lm : « The Mill and the Cross » (2011) Master en cultures et pensées cinématographiques. Année académique 2021-2022. Professeure : Natacha Pfei er. ff fi Travail réalisé par Astrid Flamion. 2 Table des matières. 1. Quelques mots d’introduction. 2. Considérations générales. 2.1.Tableau : Breughel l’Ancien, Le portement de croix (1564). 2.2. Film : Lech Majewski, The mill and the cross (...
The impact of social media on our societies through the changes in lifestyles, diversity and human rights.
B00707265 The impact of social media on our societies through the changes in lifestyles, diversity and human rights. Societies have been existing for a long time. There are signs from complex societies that existed a millennium before ours (Breunig, July 2012). Today, however, they are becoming more diverse and bigger. Physical boundaries are being pushed and cultures are mixing themselves. A higher variety of elements are affecting our civilizations. Changes in mentality and interests...
Analyse du Film "The Cross and the mill)
1 Présentation 18 mars Table des matières 1. Introduction Tableau : Breughel l’Ancien, Le portement de croix (1564) : données essentielles Film : The mill and the cross, Lech Majewski (2011) : données essentielles 2. Pistes d’analyses et de ré exions Trois manières d’appréhender le hors-champ Le cadre-objet au cinéma L’espace « cinématico-pictural » en tant qu’espace de création hors-cadre - cadre-limite Cadre-fenêtre comme « ouverture sur la vue et l’imaginaire » ? 3. E...
Benjamin, Walter
Benjamin, Walter Walter Benjamin was one of the most influential twentieth-century philosophers of culture. His work combines formal analysis of art works with social theory to generate an approach which is historical, but is far more subtle than either materialism or conventional Geistesgeschichte (cultural and stylistic chronology). The ambiguous alignment of his work between Marxism and theology has made him a challenging and often controversial figure. 1 Life and works Benjamin was born into...
Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Albert the Great
Albert the Great (1200-80) Albert the Great was the first scholastic interpreter of Aristotle's work in its entirety, as well as being a theologian and preacher. He left an encyclopedic body of work covering all areas of medieval knowledge, both in philosophy (logic, ethics, metaphysics, sciences of nature, meteorology, mineralogy, psychology, anthropology, physiology, biology, natural sciences and zoology) and in theology (biblical commentaries, systematic theology, liturgy and sermons). His ph...
Analyse du film "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, ... and Spring"
PHILOSOPHIE Analyse du film "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, ... and Spring" (봄 여름 가을 겨울 그리고 봄 « Bom yeoreum gaeul gyeoul geurigo bom » en V.O. ) De par son approche autarcique voire archaïque, l'éducation bouddhiste zen coréenne, dite tongbulgyo, toujours pratiquée actuellement dans certaines régions reculées de Corée du Sud, peut paraître stricte et rustre aux yeux d'une personne de culture occidentale. Elle met, cependant, en avant certaines valeurs qui, malheureusement, en O...
Colle d'anglais sur les paquebots
The "Wonder of the Seas", the largest cruise ship in the world, has left Saint-Nazaire. Source : https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/transports/en-images-saintnazaire-depart-du-wonder-seas-plus-gros-paquebot-du-monde-1636125829
Ariston of Chios
Ariston of Chios (early to mid 3rd century BC) The Greek philosopher Ariston (alternatively Aristo), from the Aegean island of Chios, was an exceptionally independent-minded member of the early Stoic school. A pupil of the founder Zeno of Citium, he was among the most prominent philosophers working at Athens in the mid-third century BC. He concentrated on ethics, dismissing logic and physics as irrelevant. Like many contemporary philosophers, including Zeno, Ariston undoubtedly saw his own views...
None the less, Kant's exploration of the principles underlying our judgements is of the highest interest. A priori judgements, we recall, may be analytic or synthetic. The highest principle of analytic judgements is the principle of non-contradiction: a self-contradictory judgement is void, and the mark of an analytic judgement is that the contradiction of it is self-contradictory. But the principle of non-contradiction will not take us beyond the field of analytic propositions: it is a necessar...
Axiom of choice
Axiom of choice The axiom of choice is a mathematical postulate about sets: for each family of non-empty sets, there exists a function selecting one member from each set in the family. If those sets have no member in common, it postulates that there is a set having exactly one element in common with each set in the family. First formulated in 1904, the axiom of choice was highly controversial among mathematicians and philosophers, because it epitomized 'non-constructive' mathematics. Nevertheles...