What does exoticism say about colonial Britain?
Publié le 27/04/2022
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What does exoticism say about colonial Britain?
In a first time, to begin the answer to that question, we are
going to define what exoticism is : the quality of seeming
unusual or interesting, usually because of associations with
a distant country.
In art work or literature, many artists told
us about exoticism and faraway lands but only the way they
see the country not on what it really is.
The artists didn't
know the reality of the colonies because they didn't have
enough money to travel.
Only wealthy British could travel to
British colonies.
We can also add the expantionalism of
exotic (Indian) architecture in Britain, we can see it in the
Osborne House (Queen residence) with some Indian style
jali, or the Durbar Room (Osborne House) with many
carvings on the walls and the ceiling.
We can take the
example of India for the arrival of this life-style and
architecture style, because of Queen Victoria.
The latter fell
in love with India and the way of living and the population in
With the help of the Thomas Cook agency, Indian
servants and tamed tigers into Britain.
Queen Victoria find a.