Publié le 02/05/2022
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INTRODUCTION "We all have rights and deserve respect" is an expression that means that everyone has rights and the "All" specifies that everyone is concerned: No matter the situation, race and *gender*. This therefore means that young girls are also concerned and have rights like boys. So what about those rights? Do people apply them? Not entirely. In some parts of this world, girls are viewed differently and therefore have fewer rights than boys. Today, we turn our eyes to the situation of young girls aged 12 to 16, therefore adolescents. ? In our development we will analyze the main rights of these girls and to what extent are they respected and why? DEVELOPMENT Human rights are standards that recognize and protect the dignity of all human beings. They govern the way we live in society and with each other, as well as the relationship between individuals and governments and the obligations of governments towards them. The right to life of girls is not as respected as that of boys: parents give preference to the birth of boys and the mortality rate of girls under the age of 5 is higher than that of boys. a- Causes There are many reasons for this. One of them is the preference of parents (very pronounced in some countries) to have a son rather than a daughter. This is the case in China, a country that has imposed a one-child law. The male sex is more socially valued there. In fact, many couples decide to terminate the pregnancy when the woman is pregnant with a girl. Similarly, in poor areas of China and other countries where there is no possibility of knowing the sex of the child before delivery, the newborn child is killed if it is not the desired sex. This practice is known as infanticide and is particularly prevalent among girls (female infanticide). In some regions, these two practices have caused a great imbalance between the sexes. So much so that a UN report in 2007 calculated that of the 100 million 'missing' girls worldwide, 80 million are in India and China. b- Consequences This imbalance has serious long-term consequences: a large shortage of girls in the world could lead to an increase in the trafficking of girls and women or, in some regions, force women to marry more than one man. For example, it is estimated that in China between 2015 and 2030, 25 million men will have no chance of finding a wife. Currently, 96 million girls are illiterate, compared to 57 million boys. This is because in some countries or regions, girls' schooling is not considered a priority, and girls are preferred to do domestic work or to help their mothers with the care of younger children. a- Causes Girls around the world, and particularly in developing countries, continue to be unfairly discriminated against because of their gender. They are deprived of education because they are born "girls". The obstacles to their education are multiple: Cultural traditions - In some societies, girls are considered a burden on the family. Their education is therefore of no importance because their destiny is to be married young and to take care of the household and children.