Aide en Philo


Publié le 14/12/2024

Extrait du document

« According to a study by the University of Iowa, between 5% and 8% of the world's population suffer from compulsive buying disorder, which can lead to an addiction to shopping.

These figures are quite alarming.

The first document is an extract from a book entitled ‘Don't eat this book’ by Morgan Spurlock, published in 2005, which deals with consumer society in the United States.

The next document is an awareness campaign against over-consumption and the last document is a cartoon by Paul Combs on the same subject.

We are therefore going to ask ourselves how overconsumption is affecting our societies, and American society in particular.

Firstly, we will look at how over-consumption develops in our societies, then we will ask ourselves what the effects of over-consumption are and finally how we can fight against this phenomenon. 1 How does over-consumption is growing in our societies? First of all, consumption is increasing in many sectors, which means that over-consumption is really taking over our lives. As it is said in document 1, for example, the automotive industry in the US has seen its sales double in the last 25 years.

Americans have spent $8 trillion in the retail sector and have also spent a lot in the food industry.

That's why America is the most consumptive culture on the planet. Moreover, the main reason why over-consumption is increasing is that firms are flooding us with ads.

As shown in document 1, industries have understood that advertising is the most efficient way of pushing people to consume and so they spend a lot of money on it.

For example, the car industry spent $18.2 billion on advertising, the retail industry $13.5 billion and the food industry $33 billion - so much that it's grotesque. Besides, the other reason why over-consumption is growing, is the existence of store credit cards.

In document 3 we can see a man holding different credit cards.

It shows that firms and stores want to win the loyalty of their consumers by offering them the opportunity to continue to buy, consume even if they are in debt which leads to push over-consumption over the top 2 the effects of over-consumption In the first place, over-consumption affects inviduals on several layers.

Indeed, The consumer society has made people addicts to shopping and its foibles.

As the caricature.... »