Aide en Philo


Publié le 27/11/2024

Extrait du document

« INTRODUCTION I-FORMS OF INVOLVED SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND THE ACTORS 1-forms of sexual harassment 2-the actors involved II-EVIDENCE OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND POINTING FIGURES 1-proof of sexual harassment 2-numbers that call out III-THE CONSEQUENCES OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN SCHOOL ENVIRONMENTS 1-On the psychosocial level 2-On the psycho-health level CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION According to the little Larousse illustrated in 2013, harassment is “the action of harassing”.

Sexual harassment: the act of abusing the authority conferred by a position to try to obtain a sexual favor from someone (e) by duress, order or pressure.

Under the terms of the law, sexual harassment in a school environment is the repeated use of threatening orders, constraints, words, gestures, writings, calls or messages. telephone or any other means with the aim of obtaining from a learner or educator against their will sexual relations that could harm their dignity or integrity physical or psychological. Let's say that sexual harassment is one of the aspects of violence against women. (As in a lie, a man who beats his wife, at the workplace,) then how does this practice present itself, what is the evidence of this practice, and what are its consequences? In our analysis we will present this practice, then the evidence of harassment and finally the consequences of this act. I-FORMS OF INVOLVED SEXUAL 1-forms of sexual harassment HARASSMENT AND THE ACTORS Sexual harassment can take several forms, Verbal form: Sexual nickname, comment on the size and shape of the person being harassed, incessant demands. Auditory forms: Noises, whistles, Physical and visual forms: undermining the sexual act with the hands or mouth, clinging to the harassed person, pinching their sensitive and intimate parts, sending them matchmakers or written or telephone messages, intimidation, threats, promises of money or services to be provided without the other person requesting them, etc.

Occult forms: Use of mysterious procedures based on occult or other esoteric practices. 2-the actors involved A person (man or woman) who is vulnerable or in a position of subordination and another (man or woman) in a position of power or authority.

It should be noted that this state of affairs is often favored by the environment of cohabitation in a geographical sphere which creates contacts, these contacts in turn favor feelings which feelings always end up landing in intimacies.

Careless human contact and careful self-monitoring pose great risks. It is often in this case that we note with bitterness and regret pregnancies between brothers and sisters, between fathers and daughters, etc.

Once the observation is made, the updates in question are ashamed; we then carry out clandestine abortions which always end badly: death or excessive expenses.... »


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