Aide en Philo

Anglais vocabulaire d'actualité

Publié le 13/01/2024

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« Correction : To consist of smth=composed of smth/ to be made up of The capitol = capitol hill The senate + the house of representatives 100 senators 436 representatives 50 states in the US To be on a par=on an equal footing Senators = 6 years, one third is renewed every 2 years Never ending vote To be ousted = être évincé Gridlock = blocage Tie vote = equality of vote Tie-breaking vote To cast a vote To reap the votes = récolter les votes Registered voters Affiliated to a party To emphasize the conservative credentials of the candidate =Souligner les références conservatrices du candidat Contender = candidat To launch a campaign A maverick : independent, with unusual opinions Scarecrow Mainstreams positions A die-hard : un inconditionnel The Speaker The affordable care act(=Obama care=universal healthcare system) PAC Political Action Committee To channel money/to raise funds A fund-raising organization a trend He stands a good chance of winning To waver : hésiter trembler The outcome of To be involved in What is at stake ? To scrutinize = examiner de près A hard-core pro Trump Republican run again in 2024 To pay off To relay on a shrinking base To have an edge : avoir un avantage Wield much power : exercer beaucoup de pouvoir To rig something : influencer manipuler un (vote) To keep doing smth/ he keeps claiming that the election was stolen/ the election was rigged To steal.stole.stolen A blue-collar party : une fête des cols bleus The survival of the Republicans To backfire : to have the opposite effect to the one intended The hallmarks : the characteristics : marque de fabrique To bear the hallmarks of : porter la marque de fabrique State fairs: place of entertainments foires d’Etat To burnish the image : redorer l’image Credentials : cv, tout ce dont ils peuvent s’enorgueillir dans le passé A livestock Auction : bétails aux enchères To waft : emporter to move to make something move, gently through the air Unseat: évincer, déloger Le locataire de la maison blanche : the incumbent of State-funded radio Platinum jubilee The longest-reigning monarch A seventy-year-long reign On the throne To ascend the throne George VI’s death To succeed her father A hereditary monarchy To set a record To mark the anniversary of A real extravaganza celebrated with great pomp A balcony appearance A pageantry : impressive and exciting events and ceremonies involving a lot of people wearing special clothes. A record To be such a popular figure To embody/ stand for The British monarchy is the oldest in the world. Continuity/stability/unity The British monarchy is praised for To summon Parliament on a regular basis. To wage a war = déclencher et poursuivre une guerre 1215 Magna Carta 1679 Habeas Corpus The Glorious Revolution(1688) : to oust James II (Stuart).

End of absolutism 1689 : The bill of rights signed by William and Mary of Orange.

La Charte des droits de 1689 (en anglais : Bill of Rights 1689) est un texte imposé en 1689 aux souverains d'Angleterre (Guillaume III et Marie II) à la suite de la Glorieuse Révolution.

Il définit les principes de la monarchie parlementaire en Angleterre Act of Settlement 1701 (Prostestant succession) 1707 : Act of Union Le 19 mai 1649 , Cromwell proclame la république, ou Commonwealth.

Il n'a pourtant rien d'un républicain exalté : une vingtaine de mois auparavant, il défendait le principe de la monarchie, déclarant que « nul homme ne pouvait jouir de sa vie et de son patrimoine sans que le roi y ait ses droits ». Above the political fray = Au-dessus de la mêlée politique To keep abreast of/posted about = Pour se tenir au courant/afficher des informations sur A weekly audience To pit somebody against someone else = Monter quelqu'un contre quelqu'un d'autre At stake/ jeopardize = endanger The UK = Great Britain + Northern Ireland (=Ulster) She pledged herself to the nation To devote one’s time/energy To dedicate oneself The welfare = le bien-être To perform one’s duty Unwaveringly = inébranlablement Steadfast = stable To step down A vow Dedicated She considered herself a servant To weather the storm To pay tribute to The achievements Prince Andrew To settle To file a lawsuit/ a complaint To drop charges To be stripped of : être dépouillé de To step back High-profile politicians/ businessmen In tune with To tarnish/ mar the image of = Ternir l'image de Mourn the loss Outpouring of sympathy = Effusion de sympathie To cheat on her Charities Disabled children Out of the tune with To reverse the trend To be responsible for Conspiracy theory Edward VIII’s abdication 1936 Wallis Simpson To be raised The heir to the throne Male primogeniture The monarchy was shaken by crisis To view the queen positively To be popular with To resent Prince Charles National mourning/ to pay tribute to the queen/ to fly at half mast Parliamentary activity To be frozen The funeral Suspend Following/ In the name’s of QE’s death the country was frozen for ten days.

Newly formed government To be led by To meet with Officially appoint LT had just been appointed when the Queen died To take action/ to take steps Against this backdrop : dans ce contexte To resume : reprendre Abide by : to accept and act respecter Chancellor of the Exchequer Legitimacy = légitimité Legal vs Legitimacy Is the general election : législatives To disclose/ unveil : divulguer, dévoiler Westminster= the House of Lords + House of Commons MPs = Members of Parliament The general election A constituency : une circonscription The first-past-the post system : le système majoritaire à 1 tour An overwhelming majority Get Brexit done Take over To hold an election In the polls The Labour Party To top the PM’s agenda Rampant inflation/ soaring inflation Social unrest is brewing : mécontentement social qui couve Trade unions : syndicat Economy is in the doldrums : l’éco est dans les affres The sterling has collapsed/ hit a 20-year low A pay rise : augmentation de salaire To equate something 1.

The queen is very popular 2.

To release 3.

On the occasion 4.

Ponder over = réfléchir 5.

The elderly/over-65s 6.

The outlook/ prospect is bleak(=morne) for the monarchy 7.

A dark shape loomed up ahead of us 8.

Ponder over 9.

To usher in an era of = pour inaugurer une ère de 10.To be under heavy fire : être critiqué 11.To criticize sb for 12.Labour Party 13.Lack of transparency 14.To erode 15.Hindsight = rétrospective 16.The outpouring = déferlement de 17.Prevail= prévaloir 18.To go smoothly Free marketeer : a person who believes that prices should be allowed to rise and fall according to supply and demand and not be controlled by a government Margaret THATCHER (Tory/Conservative PM : 1979-1990) To slash taxes An advocate of the free market economy To shelve : mettre au placard The Chancellor of the Exchequer imports/exports The currency : devise To skyrocket To soar Soaring prices The purchasing power To top the agenda To eke out a living : pour gagner sa vie Ripple effect : effet d’entraînement A bone of contention : une pomme de discorde To renege on a promise : renoncer à une promesse Brinkmanship : the activity, especially in politics, of getting into a situation that could be very dangerous in order to frighten people and make them do what you want A legitimacy issue To resign To be ousted : être évincé Partygate To lack democratic legitimacy To hold a general election To be likely to do smtp To undermine people’s confidence in politicians even further To erode MP Wages : salaires Trade unions : an organization of workers, usually in a particular industry, that exists to protect their interests, improve conditions of work, etc. To call a strike A freeze To choke Backlash To play smtp up To be true to one’s word To divert attention from To jeopardize/imperil : endanger Westminster =Parliament =House of Lords+ House of Commons A looming crisis = an impending/imminent crisis compte rendu : Queen popular figure But support for the queen isn’t to the monarchy Support is eroding young generations Old queen ponder over about the future Lack of transparency unmeritiocratic, anachronistic Pessimistic note of the editorial : it cannot be discussed in Britain Te monarchy of soft power for GB Civil List/ Sovereign Grant (2012) 86 M pounds/ a year To allocate money Taxpayer Sustain To generate revenues To compensate for To weather storms : surmonter les tempêtes To go unscathed = Unversehrt bleiben= sortir indemne To strengthen To witness firsthand 1936 : Edward the Eight had to abdicate the throne in favor of his brother George VI (Elizabeth’s dad) in order to be with Wallis Simpson an American divorcee eventually 2013 : Succession to the Crown Act Absolute primogeniture The English Constitution 1876 All the regalia that impresses the people, all the pageantry.

The sovereign, no written constitution just codified texts Dignified parts.

Efficient parts Undermine Monarchy Head of church.... »


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