Oral Histoire seconde
Publié le 15/05/2023
Extrait du document
Intro :
In this oral, I am going to be discussing how
religion was a factor of exchange as well as a
factor of war in medieval Mediterranean spaces.
In this purpose, I will, as a first step, analyze the
impact religion had on conflicts, and then on a
second step, its impact on exchanges.
analysis would so enable me to estimate the
importance of these two factors, and so to figure
out to what extent they are comparable.
Part 1:
To get started, let’s look at my first point which
covers the impact religion had on conflicts.
Firstly, when we know that the Mediterranean
spaces were divided into three different religions,
crusades are the perfect examples of conflicts
due to religious dissensions.
When Pope Urban the second called the
Christians to free Jerusalem and the Holy Land in
1095, one part of the crusaders would be
massacred the following year by the Turkish
In 1099, the second part would seize
Jerusalem were Jews and Muslims would also be
In the same purpose, during the third
crusade, hundreds of Muslim hostages had been
beheaded by King Richard the first.
It is possible
to draw essential conclusions from these facts.
The first would be that religion was indeed a
factor of conflicts, and the second would be that
it was also a factor of war as people were sent to
free areas, which implies fights on road and
fights in the specific area.
It is illustrated by King
Richard the first and Saladin, fighting in
This is similar to the sack of Constantinople in
1204, but in the case, it is only one religion that
would be factor of conflict between its followers.
Thus, it is how catholic crusaders coming from
France, England and Germany, supported by a
city state such as Venice, participated in the sack
of Constantinople, a city that adheres to the
orthodox Christianity.
This point is crucial as
crusades were a matter of religion since wars
were made in the name of God.
Moreover, it was
such a factor of war to the extent that 8 crusades
in total were organized, which shows the
importance of religious tensions in medieval
Mediterranean spaces.
Part 2:
However, religion was not....
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