philosophie de la transaction internationale
Publié le 05/10/2023
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Conference – criminal law – L2 – 09.29.2018
In a context of globalization and growing influence of lobbies and powerful
enterprises, the need for honesty and transparency to enhance free-competition
have become of the upmost importance.
In 1997, the members of the OECD
(organization for the economic cooperation and development) and 8 other nonOECD countries adopted and signed the Anti-Bribery Convention.
guidance stated: “Bribery undermines democracy and the rule of law and poses
very serious threats to sustained economic progress in developing and emerging
economies and to the proper operation of free markets more generally”.
I further
quote: “The Parties’ commitment to this fight is grounded in the recognition that
no government or market economy can function effectively if it is riddled by
Corruption entails costs that no country can afford.
Serious harm results
when public officials take bribes, for example, when awarding contracts to
foreign businesses in such areas as road construction, water infrastructure,
medicines or electricity.
In addition to the human suffering caused by inferior
products and services, bribery derails the functioning of markets and undermines
economic development”.
It influenced, country after country, the implementation
of national laws, combating bribery.
In 1993, The First Sapin Act was enacted.
The United Kingdom Anti-Bribary Act (UKBA) was passed on 8 April 2010, and
entered into force on 1st July 2011, becoming the most draconian (drastic)
legislation in the world to prevent and fight corruption in international business
Before this anti-Bribary Act, the international anti-corruption enforcement was
largely dominated by the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977 (the FCPA)
which is more restrictive in terms of fight of corruption.
Indeed, it does not cover
bribery on a private level and only covers active bribery (the giving of a bribe).
must also be proven that the person offering a bribe did so with the intent to
In 2014, the World Bank estimated at US $ 1 trillion the amount of bribes paid
annually around the world.
As far as the European economy is concerned, the
cost of corruption would be estimated at 120 billion euros (Greco's annual report
-Group of States against Corruption -Council of Europe- of March 28 th, 2014).
the end of the year 2014, the OECD pointed out in its annual report a series of
concrete recommendations, intended for France to intensify its actions to fight
bribery of foreign public officials and undertake important reforms.
Conference – criminal law – L2 – 09.29.2018
When Transparency International, a non-governmental organization,
presented its annual ranking of the most corrupt countries, the statistics of the
Corruption Perceptions Index ranked 180 countries according to the degree of
corruption in public administration perceived by experts and the business
community and France appeared to be in the 23 rd place, far behind most other
democratic countries, and behind the United Arab Emirates.
Somalia was in the
last place as the most corrupt country.
Denmark and New Zealand shared the top
rank in the world, followed by Finland, Norway and Switzerland.
This ranking was strongly undermining the image of France on the International
stage with the risk of being seen as a less attractive country for foreign
According to this NGO, which acts as a watchman, “Corruption is the abuse of
entrusted power for private gain.
It can be classified as grand, petty and
political, depending on the amounts of money lost and the sector where it
It promotes to fight against corruption though more transparency,
“shedding light on shady deals, weak enforcement of rules and other illicit
practices that undermine good governments, ethical businesses and society at
large”, because “corruption corrodes the fabric of society.
It undermines people’s
trust in political and economic systems, institutions and leaders.
It can cost
people their freedom, health, money – and sometimes their lives”.
ethics compliance is therefore expected to be reinforced.
In July 2015, Michel Sapin, declared: “in the fight against corruption, France
cannot just satisfy itself with the existing situation."
It is in this context of global increasing corruption that the Sapin II Act 20161961 on Transparency, Anti-Corruption and Economic Modernization was
promulgated on December the 9th, 2016 to align France standards to the best
standards levels existing in the UK and in the USA.
The implementing decree on
the functioning of the new French Anti-Corruption Agency was published on
March 14th, 2017 with a plethora of other implementing texts.
On the 12th December 2017, last year, was held the 20 years of the OECD AntiBribery Convention in Paris to discuss its successes, challenges and global
The observation was made that an increasing number of sanctions was
pronounced on a global scale with several billion of euros of fines, but primarily,
more and more affairs would become public, with greater political coverage, in
particular by an increasing number of radio and television broadcasts as well as
on the Internet and social networks.
What are the forms of corruption? Article 3.2 of the Law refers to the creation of
the French Anti-Corruption Agency, which “shall draft guidelines to help private
and public sector entities prevent and detect corruption, influence peddling,
extortion by public officials, unlawful taking of interest, misappropriation of public
Conference – criminal law – L2 – 09.29.2018
funds and favoritism.” The generic term of Corruption covers therefore various
types of offenses.
The objectives of the Agency’s Guidelines are clearly aimed at helping:
- organizations to adopt suitable operating rules to strengthen their performance
or their competitiveness and to protect themselves against harm to their
reputation or economic value arising from an impairment of their probity.
- public industrial and trading establishments subject to Article 17 of Act 20161691 of 9 December 20162 to comply with their obligations;
- organizations to prevent a penalty imposed by a foreign authority for failure to
comply with an obligation to prevent or detect corruption.
We will try to compare the UKBA and the Sapin II Acts, and to evaluate how
effective or efficient these enhanced laws and procedures can be to fight
- Through material scope of the offense and preventive measures (I)
- Through the jurisdictional power to act and repressive measures (II)
Material constitution of the offense: Material fact + intention
Widened range of offenses
Determines the liability to prosecution (what offense, committed by whom, in
which circumstances?)
A – the UKBA
1.The updated classical offenses
Sections 1 to 6 of the UKBA define several and classical criminal offenses
Section 1 – Active bribery (the offering, promising or giving of a bribe financial or other advantage) in 2 cases, either in private or public sectors.
Case 1 applies where the person intends the advantage to bring about the
improper performance by another person of a relevant function or activity or to
reward such improper performance.
Case 2 applies where the person knows or believes that the acceptance of the
advantage offered, promised or given in itself constitutes the improper
performance of a relevant function or activity.
‘Improper performance’ means performance which amounts to a breach of an
expectation that a person will act in good faith, impartially, or in accordance with
a position of trust, and whether it is function or activity which has been
performed improperly;
For example: Hospitality
Conference – criminal law – L2 – 09.29.2018
Prosecution will have “to show that the hospitality was intended to induce
conduct that amounts to a breach of an expectation that a person will act in good
faith, impartially, or in accordance with a position of trust.
This would be judged
by what a reasonable person in the UK thought.
So, for example, an invitation to
foreign clients to attend a Six Nations match at Twickenham as part of a public
relations exercise designed to cement good relations or enhance knowledge in
the organisation’s field is extremely unlikely to engage section 1 as there is
unlikely to be evidence of an intention to induce improper performance of a
relevant function.
Other example: the close case of conflict of interests (pharmaceutical laboratory)
qualified as a risk of attempt of bribery.
Senior medical employee proposing to
bypass the usual procedure to submit a study-survey of a new therapy to a
public Hospital directly to the best physicians in the related domain, rather than
to submit it to the specific bureau intended to filter the applications.
Section 2 – Passive bribery (the requesting, agreeing to receive or accepting
of a bribe)
Section 6 - Foreign public official bribery (in order to obtain or retain
business or an advantage in the conduct of business) with the intention of
influencing the official in the performance of his or her official functions, and for
the offering party, the intention to obtain or retain any advantage of the
expected performance.
However, the offence is not committed where the official
is permitted....
Liens utiles
- [Affinités de l'art et de la philosophie] Bergson
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