Catégorie : Langues
Fast fashion
New technologies have always been developed and evolved a lot in recent years. Few years back, technology was considered to be a luxury items but today, it is common. Now, if people are not connected, they are considered as "dropouts". New technologies are the fastest and deeply moving innovation in the world. Today few populations have no access to the new technologies and they are essentially in Africa and Asia. Of the 7.7 billion people on Earth in 2019, 5.1 billion own a cell phone and...
Are we beholders of a dis-united kingdom ?
Are we beholders of a dis-united kingdom ? Plan : I - gaps within England A - North and south divide - the north of England has seen £59bn less in transport spending compared to London over the last 10 years - The total value of all the houses in the UK has passed the £6tn mark for the first time, according to research by Halifax which also highlights the vast concentration of property wealth in London and the south-east. The value of homes in London is now more than all the houses in S...
Connectivity of Tokyo
Connectivity of Tokyo Tokyo, as the capital city of Japan, is known for its strong connectivity in various aspects, including academic journals, transportation, and bonds with other countries. Let's explore each of these areas in detail: Academic Journals: Tokyo has a vibrant academic and research community, which contributes to a rich landscape of academic journals. These journals cover a wide range of disciplines and serve as platforms for researchers, scholars, and professionals to sha...
LICENCE 3 AMERICAN NOVEL TITLE: Childhood innocence in the process of Holden’s
LICENCE 3 AMERICAN NOVEL TITLE: Childhood innocence in the process of Holden’s growing up in “the catcher in the rye” Participants ❖ Bakayoko Djatchè ❖ Diarrassouba Yefounpinin Teacher Prof Coulibaly Daouda PLAN INTRODUCTION I-HOLDEN’S NOSTALGIA FOR CHILDHOOD 1- Holden’s desire for innocence of childhood through his contact with his sister and Allie’s memories 2- The main character’s fear to grow up II-HOLDEN’S DISULLUSIONMENT WITH ALDULTHOOD 1- Holden’s negative v...
textes francais 1ere oral
TEXTE 1 Auteur phare du 18e siècle, précurseur des lumières Marivaux romancier, dramaturge , un des plus joués par la comédie française, consacre une partie de sa vie a nous faire part d’idées que l’on peut qualifier de progressistes. Ainsi dans l’île des esclaves ,parue en 1725, l’auteur imagine une île fin d’éviter la censure dans laquelle les rôles maîtres et esclaves sont inversés. Dans cet extrait, la scène 3, nous sommes en présence de 3 personnages avec une prise de parole inégalem...
Introduction Le climat a une influence très forte sur l’agriculture, qui est considérée comme l’activité humaine la plus dépendante des variations climatiques. Les impacts du climat sur l’agriculture varient d’une région du globe à une autre avec des conséquences socio-économiques particulièrement importantes dans les pays en développement des latitudes tropicales. En effet, ces pays connaissent une grande variabilité climatiques dont le cas de notre région fait l’objet de notre étude...
Kahoot Kunst und macht
Kahoot Kunst und Macht 2 questions sur le film 2 ou 3 questions sur les 2 peintures qu’on a vu 4 ou 5 questions sur le vocabulaire, grammaire et verbes autre idée ???? un bonus (?) 1) Wie heißt diese Wiederholung des Gemäldes mit dem Titel "Le Radeau de la Méduse" aus dem Jahr 2017? 2) Wie heißt der Film, den wir im Parcours "Kunst und Macht" gesehen haben ? 3) Wie heißt diese Person? 4) Wer hat dieses Bild gemalt 5) Wie sagt man auf Deutsch: "le besoin"? 6) Wie sagt man auf Deutsch...
PORTFOLIO ART AND DEBATE OF IDEAS To what extent can art make sense of emotions? Barack Obama’s speech, march 18, 2008 "We the people, in order to form a more perfect union." Two hundred and twenty one years ago, in a hall that still stands across the street, a group of men gathered and, with these simple words, launched America's improbable experiment in democracy. Farmers and scholars; statesmen and patriots who had traveled across an ocean to escape tyranny and persecution f...
Senegalese society
2. Senegalese Society This section under consideration purports to scrutinize the Senegalese society within the corpus. During the era of the slave trade, Senegal was home to several prominent African ethnic groups, including the Wolof, Serer, Fula, and Mandinka, among many others. Clearly, these communities were heavily impacted by the transatlantic slave trade, as people from these groups were captured, enslaved, and transported across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas. As a result of...
Why is english important
Why is english important In an increasingly interconnected world, where geographical boundaries are blurring and international exchanges are becoming commonplace, the question of the importance of the English language is emerging as a central concern. English, as a language with ancient roots, has acquired considerable influence in the spheres of communication, economics, education and culture on a global scale. However, this importance of English also gives rise to debate and concern abo...
short story analysis: One of the Missing, Ambroise Bierce
short story analysis: One of the Missing, Ambroise Bierce "The real war is not on the battlefield. The real war is in the minds of the soldiers." - Marine Corps General Charles Krulak of the 20th century This short story entitled One of the Missing was published in The San Francisco Examiner on March 11, 1888 and reprinted in Tales of Soldiers and Civilians (1891). It was written by Ambrose Bierce who himself was a soldier and experienced the war. Jerome Searing is a competent soldier who...
The Wall Street Crash of 1929 : the end of the «Roaring Twenties»
As we know in history context is the first key of understanding. Thus it’s impossible to understand the Roosevelt years and the «new deal» without knowing what happened in 1929. The Wall Street Crash of 1929 : the end of the «Roaring Twenties» The context of the Roaring Twenties: As we all know WWI is a turning point in the history of the world and in the history in the US. The “Rule Britannia” period is over and on could say that the “Rule America” period is starting. Indeed the US took a...
LA THÉORIE DES DÉCHETS Quasiment veille et appartenant à ma famille depuis deux générations, la VW Polo MK II est celle que je conduit. Lorsqu’elle a été mise en circulation au début des années 1980, cette voiture était un modèle spécial, conçu pour les moins nantis. Une voiture minimaliste sans luxe inutile, mais avec une couche de peinture de couleur tendance. Une voiture bon marché même à son état d’usine. À force d'utilisation, la valeur de celle-ci a diminué perdant pratiquement tou...
Cuba et COVID (exposé en espagnol)
intro; El covid 19 es una enfermedad infecciosa y contagiosa. Así como para parte de la población puede pasar rápido como un leve resfriado, para otros puede ser potencialmente mortal. El primer caso a nivel mundial fue descubierto el 31 de diciembre de 2019 en Wuhan, China, pero no fue hasta el 11 de marzo de 2020 que el primer caso de covid en Cuba fue reportado. Se trató de 4 turistas italianos en la ciudad de Trinidad. En Cuba, la propagación del virus empezó tarde en relación con Eur...
much ado about nothing essai
Much Ado About Nothing – Essay Prompts What role does deceit play within the story, and what social commentary is Shakespeare attempting to convey through the prevalence of deceit throughout the play Discuss the role of female characters within the play. Things to consider: Does Shakespeare portray all the female characters in the same way? Do women in the play conform to traditional archetypes? If not, why does Shakespeare present them in this way What is the significance of the relat...
essai much ado about nothing
Essai- Much Ado About Nothing Candice Bouissy 10th1 What role does deceit play within the story, and what social commentary is Shakespeare attempting to convey through the prevalence of deceit throughout the play? Much ado about nothing se passe dans une époque où l’honneur est très important. Tous les personnages cherchent donc à se protéger et restent à l’écart de ce qui pourraient les déshonorés, exemple de la tromperie. Shakespeare joue de ces formalités en mettant en scène les per...
Dante, La Divina Commedia, canto XXVI Ulisse
Il canto di Ulisse Canto XXVI Inferno: Introduzione Siamo nell'8° cerchioIl Canto XXVI dell’Inferno di Dante Alighieri, noto anche come il “Canto di Ulisse”, è ambientato nell’ottava Bolgia dell’ottavo Cerchio dell’ultraterreno mondo infernale. Qui troviamo puniti i consiglieri di frodeQui sono puniti i consiglieri di frode (vedi paragrafo 4.1); in particolar modo, la narrazione si concentra su una celebre anima che si è macchiata di questo peccato: stiamo parlando di Ulisse, l’eroe acheo...
JANE AUSTEN (biographie en anglais)
JANE AUSTEN English writer Jane Austen was born in Steventon on December 16, 1775. Jane Austen is one of England’s most famous writers and one of the most important writers of the pre-Romantic period.In 1797 he finished writing "Pride and Prejudice", his first novel, which was only published in 1813. In 1798, he finished "Reason and Feeling", which was published in 1811, and "Northanger Abbey". In 1801 she moved to Bath and there she began writing "I Watson", a work that remained incomplet...
Parenting and capitalism
Parenting and Capitalism In order to begin our research on the development of parenting under the capitalist system, we must first show and read the history of the formation of the so-called family. With the first division of labor, women were left at home to take care of their new borns while men owned lands and exploited slaves for production. Little after that, with the industrial revolution, women and children began working in lands and industries to try and create the demand want...
Gitanos Espanoles
La vida de los gitanos españoles está marcada por sus propias tradiciones y cultura. Se les conoce como "gitanos" en español. Los gitanos españoles tienen una larga historia en España y se consideran una comunidad étnica distinta. Los gitanos españoles han mantenido muchas tradiciones y prácticas culturales que se transmiten de generación en generación. Tienen su propio idioma, el caló, aunque la mayoría también habla español. La música, la guitarra y el baile juegan un papel central en s...