Catégorie : Langues
la fuite des cerveaux
Introduction: The brain drain phenomenon in the medical field of the United Kingdom has sparked debates regarding its overall impact. Problematic? Definition of Terms: Brain Drain: The emigration of highly skilled or educated individuals from one country to another, often leading to a loss of human capital for the home country. Medical Field: The sector encompassing healthcare professionals engaged in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illnesses and diseases. Boon: Something that i...
Histoire argentine pour l'espagnol
ETAPA 1 - Historia 5º año 2024 Encuentro 1 La Primera Guerra Mundial Observá atentamente el siguiente esquema en el que podrás ver algunos de los principales conceptos que trabajaremos en este encuentro: Historia Mundial Primera Mitad del Siglo XX La Gran Guerra (1914 – 1918) Imagen obtenida de En la foto se puede observar a muchos hombres haciendo cola para reclutarse como soldados. Las declaraciones de guerra fueron reci...
llcer ; The Layers and Illusions of Self-Representation
Wednesday 11th October 2023 The Layers and Illusions of Self-Representation Self-representation is not merely a faithful reflection of oneself because it is a How does self-presentation go beyond subjective and often selective portrayal of one's identity. Human beings are being a faithful reflection of one's true multifaceted, and our self-representations are influenced by various factors such as self? social context, personal goals, and emotional states. Self-representation is not just...
Tache finale d’anglais
INTRODUCTION: Hello everyone! Today, I’m excited to share my new life and my experience of remote work while traveling around the world. After spending years in an office job in France, I decided to make a radical change in my life. Let me explain why traditional work contracts are becoming less popular and how this decision has changed my life. MY DECISION: My decision to leave my traditional office job in France stemmed from my quest for freedom and flexibility. I wanted to break free f...
Sujet d'oral: Assess the role of totalitarianism in the collapse of global peace in the late 1930s
Assess the role of totalitarianism in the collapse of global peace in the late 1930s I want us to delve into a pivotal moment in history: the collapse of global peace in the late 1930s. At the heart of this turbulent period lay the rise of totalitarianism, which played a significant role in shattering the fragile peace that had followed the First World War. Totalitarianism-a form of government in which the state has no limits in authority and does whatever it wants-was articulated after WWII...
devoir 3 espagnol première générale CNED
Partie 1 : Compréhension de l’écrit (20 points) Ce document est un texte de l’Union Européenne. Il est issu d’un site internet appelé « Noticias, Parlamento Europeo », et a été publié en 2021. Le titre de ce document est «Redes sociales y democracia: necesitamos leyes y no reglas de las plataformas». Il raconte un débat qui a eu lieu entre les députés européens le 11 février 2021. Il est même composé d’extraits de paroles de certains députés, cités entre guillemets. Ce débat porte sur le s...
grossesses precoces
INTRODUCTION The World Health Organization defines adolescence as the period between the ages of 10 and 19 years.[5] The mother's age is determined by the easily verified date when the pregnancy ends, not by the estimated date of conception.[20] Consequently, the statistics do not include pregnancies that began at age 19, but that ended on or after the woman's 20th birthday.[20] Similarly, statistics on the mother's marital status are determined by whether she is married at the end of the...
The Buddha of suburbia
Chapter 11: Rehearsals for Pyke'splay begin in the spring. Karim is one of three men and three women in the cast. The other two men are solid, cynical actors; there's one black woman, Tracey; and a beautiful redheaded actress named Eleanor. Louise, the writer, also attends rehearsals. Karim notes that he's never been more enthusiastic about anything in his life. Pyke begins every morning with breakfast and shockingly cruel gossip. After lunch, the cast plays games where they touch each oth...
Devoir d'espagnol (20/20 assuré) CNED
Compréhension de l’écrit Dans le document 2 intitulé « Estaciones ferroviarias que entran en la era sostenible » issu du journal El pais, publié le 12 février 2023, nous comprenons qu’au court de l’année 2023 des changements seront présents dans les gares d’Espagne. En effet les terminaux qui accueillent le plus de passagers en Espagne vont être modifiés pour être moins polluants, plus intelligents et intégrés à l’environnement urbain. Les gares les plus importantes seront les premières à...
Entraînement Anglais - QCM ANGLAIS
QCM ANGLAIS Cocher la bonne réponse 1. I would very much like to participate …….. this event. a) b) c) d) 2. When I was living in Germany, we …….. all get up early on a Saturday morning to go to the flea market. a) b) c) d) 3. ---the a an In Northern Ireland a bomb went …….., killing two people. a) b) c) d) 6. delivering to deliver to be delivered deliver Malcolm has just completed …….. MBA at Harvard Business School. a) b) c) d) 5. will...
Le Malade Imaginaire, Consultation de Toinette, Acte III scène 10
CONSULTATION DE TOINETTE Le malade imaginaire, Molière p.216 l.19 à p.221 l.14 (acte III scène 10) T:0s | INTRODUCTION : **présentation et infos** Le malade imaginaire est une comédie écrite par Molière en 1673. La pièce met en scène Argan celui qu’on appelle « le malade imaginaire » dans le titre de la pièce, c’est un personnage assez riche et surtout hypocondriaque d’où son surnom, il est entouré de médecins mais aussi d’une servante rusée, de sa femme qui complote pour son héritage et...
Sondage pour savoir si on est addicte aux nouvelles technologies et est-ce qu'on est conscient des risques d'utilisation des nouvelles technologies en espagnol avec la traduction en Français.
Question 1: Combien de temps passez-vous en moyenne chaque jour à utiliser des nouvelles technologies (smartphones, ordinateurs, tablettes, réseaux sociaux, etc.) ? • (1) Moins d'une heure • (2) 1 à 3 heures • (3) 3 à 6 heures • (4) Plus de 6 heures Question 2: Éprouvez-vous des difficultés à réduire le temps que vous passez sur les nouvelles technologies malgré vos efforts ? • (1) Aucune difficulté • (2) Légères difficultés • (3) Difficulté moyenne • (4) Grandes difficultés Ques...
Exposé Cuba
CUBA INTRO : Bonjour à tous, aujourd’hui nous allons vous faire découvrir un peu plus Cuba, un Etat insulaire des Caraïbes composé de l’ile de Cuba qui est la plus grande ile antillaise, l’ile de la jeunesse et plus de 4 000 îlots. Situé entre la mer des Caraibes, le golfe du Méxique et l’Océan atlantique, le pays a beaucoup fait parler de lui ces dernières années dans le monde entier. On peut donc se demander comment Cuba est-elle une île mondialement connue? Nous verrons dans un pre...
Ban book
What Students Are Saying About Banning Books From School Libraries The New York Times, 18th February 2022 1) “I think the idea of people trying to censor speech is absolutely abhorrent. Right to freedom of speech, religion, peaceful assembly, petition, and press is our 1st amendment… As a teenager I am still trying to find my way in this world; I want to know as many other viewpoints as possible. These books should be allowed in libraries. Families can decide what books are allowed in their...
Discovering the author’s life and times MARGARET ATWOOD
Discovering the author’s life and times MARGARET ATWOOD Margaret Atwood was born in Ottawa, Canada, in 1939. Her father was an entomologist, and Atwood spent part of her early years in the bush of North Quebec, where her father studied insects. She studied English at the University of Toronto, and then Radcliffe College and Harvard in the U.S.A. She is Canada’s most eminent novelist and poet, and also writes short stories, critical studies, screenplays, radio scripts, graphic novels and...
Le travail et la technique
Le Travail et la technique >>>> Aimeriez-vous ne jamais travailler ? Qu’est-ce qui est le plus important au travail? Etymologiquement le mot “ Travail” vient du latin “Tripalium” qui est un instrument de torture dans la Rome antique. Le sens commun rattache le travail à la souffrance, à la pénibilité, à la contrainte. Il est nécessaire de travailler la nature pour vivre. Dans notre société occidentale et mondialisée le travail est omniprésent. Nous sommes souvent définis par notre métie...
LLCE - Self-Expression And Construction To what extent Taylor Swift’s legacy is more than music ?
LLCE - Self-Expression And Construction To what extent Taylor Swift’s legacy is more than music ? INTRO : Hello everyone, today I would like to introduce you to an artist I am in awe for, she’s one of the most influent and most powerful artist in nowadays music industry : Taylor Swift. She’s so powerful that the Bloomberg magazine said that she is the music industry. That is why today we’re going to wonder to what extent her legacy is more than music. In a time we will see that her legacy...
Babel Earz, fiction object
The BabelEarz What is it and where is it from? The BabelEarz is a small device that is able to translate any language in the world. In the near future, this could become an everyday piece of technology that could offer an accurate translation of any language or dialect, which has never been achieved so far. This device originates from the novel “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” written by Adam Douglas and published in 1979. Actually, it first appeared in the 6th chapter of the book an...
1G8 COURS GIVE YOUR OPINION ON THE VIDEO OF THE TRAILER 'WALLS' link video : The document is the trailer of the film ‘walls”. I think this trailer is shocking because we can see a guard shooting a migrant. Millions of immigrants try to cross the border every year and their life is like a surviving game. We can imagine their harsh/difficult/awful living conditions. Unit 2 : WALLS APART Question : How are walls used to keep us apart ? Final tas...
la drogue en milieu scolaire
SOMMAIRE INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………02 I) DEFINITION……………………………………………………………………..03 II) THE CAUSES OF DRUGS IN THE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT …………..03 III) CONSEQUENCES OF DRUGS IN THE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT……...03 CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………………………..05 BIBLIOGRAPHY. ………………………………………..………………………….…06 INTRODUCTION The trafficking and use of narcotics by young people are the most worrying forms of crime in the world. Nowadays, many young people give themselves up to t...